educators, coaches, peers
“All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness” (2 Timothy 3:16).
The Impact of Education
Children will spend approximately 16,000 hours in school between kindergarten and twelfth grade, nearly 60 times more than in the church. Many parents have not thought deeply about what the Bible commands regarding education and have not explored what their children are learning in school.
The issue is not public versus Christian or private versus homeschooling; the core issue is the philosophy of education that forms the basis for what a child learns. Any education that does not have its foundation rooted in the truths of Jesus Christ and His Word will lead to a faulty worldview.
RenewaNation champions a biblical worldview discipleship model that is family-focused, church-supported, and school-enriched.
Education is never worldview neutral.
When God is never connected in thirteen years of schooling to math, science, history, business, medicine, law, government, or any other field of study, children begin to assume that God is irrelevant to all parts of the world except the church. Children may not become atheists as a result of their secularized education, but almost all of them will become secularists. As a result, our churches are filled with people who love Jesus but have no idea how He relates to the real world. Christian education gives children a holistic view of the world that destroys this Sacred/Secular Divide (SSD) and prepares them to see Christ’s Lordship in every sphere of life.
Only an education that teaches every area of concentration with a biblical foundation will help a child develop a thoroughly biblical worldview. Aligning the worldview shaping in schools with what is being taught at home and church will form the consistency needed to develop our children into solid disciples of Christ and bring light to an increasingly dark culture.
At RenewaNation, we inspire and equip schools to understand and fulfill their biblical role to assist families in the biblical worldview development of their children.

Biblical Worldview Resources for the SCHOOL
Check out the numerous quality resources we offer that will assist your school in cultivating a biblical worldview.
Christian Education Hub
REAP (RenewaNation Educator’s Advancement Program) provides guidance, training, and professional development with our excellent team of coaches. We assist with Christian school launches, renewals, and biblical worldview cultivation.
Three Tools For Your School To Flourish
The Biblical Worldview Show equips believers to examine all of life through the light of God’s Word. Join host Ben Schettler and expert authors and speakers as we look to the Word of God for answers to the tough questions culture is asking. Find truth in the midst of lies, clarity in the chaos, and practical help for the road ahead on The Biblical Worldview Show.
The RenewaNation Review
The RenewaNation Review is a full-color magazine filled with insightful articles that present and defend a biblical worldview and the importance of training the next generation to know, love, and serve Christ. Use this as an outreach to educate your congregation on biblical worldview and keep up-to-date with invaluable biblical perspectives on current issues. Generous donors to RenewaNation make this resource FREE for your church—only pay for shipping when ordering in bulk!

Request a Christian Education Speaker
Drive home the value of Christian education when you partner with RenewaNation by hosting an event to inspire your families with powerful messages championing biblical worldview discipleship.
Parenting & Grandparent Events • Biblical Worldview Promotion • Banquets/Annual Fund Dinners • Professional Development • and more