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Take Your Child on a Musical Journey Through the Bible

By Scripture Lullabies

As society grows louder and more confusing, our children can struggle to know what narratives to lean into. It’s increasingly important to equip our kids to understand and stand firm in truth. Hebrews 2:1 encourages us to “pay much closer attention to what we have heard, lest we drift away from it.” How can we help our kids internalize God’s Word and identify what is and is not from Him?

God wired our children’s brains to memorize in powerful ways, including through music. We can help our kids learn, understand, remember, and take to heart God’s Word by inviting them on a musical journey through the Bible.

God laid this journey on our hearts when we gathered an orchestra to record our first album, Hidden In My Heart: A Lullaby Journey Through Scripture. We didn’t only want to help families memorize Scripture. Instead, as they hide God’s Word in their hearts, we also want them to experience His peace profoundly. As our children hear His living and active Word set to soul-stirring melodies, they draw near to Jesus, the Word of Life, who came to rescue them.

Begin with Be Still

Often, when God wants to teach us something, He first calls us to stillness. Psalm 46:10 says, “Be still, and know that I am God.” In the original Hebrew, be still communicates a hard stop—it means to refrain or cease. This is a powerful practice we can walk through with our children. While the enemy uses busyness and distractions to keep us from spiritual formation, God calls us to the quiet place where we can hear His voice. Be still is the opening invitation on our musical journey, preparing our hearts for each step ahead.

Be still my soul

Be still and know that He is God

Rest quietly

Rest in His loving arms for

He is watching over you

Ever faithful, ever true

So be still my soul

Be still and know that He is God

Journey to the Cross

No point on the faith journey is more important than the pinnacle of the cross. In fact, without this stop, there isn’t a walk of faith but only aimless wandering. Ephesians 2:8-9 says, “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast” (NIV).

God is calling our children to saving faith. We can partake in this beautiful work as we guide them to the One who “so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son” (John 3:16 NKJV). Our musical journey through Scripture should regularly return to the anthem of Christ’s deliverance. May the song on our children’s lips be a melody of saving grace.

For God so loved the world

He gave His one and only son

That whosoever believes in Him

They will not perish

They will have everlasting life

He loves us

God loves us more than we could know

He loves us

He gave His son

Jesus would come

To give it all

No greater love

Move Forward with Gospel Identity

Christ’s redemption transforms how our kids view themselves and their place in the world. When they begin to grasp that they are “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Ps. 139:14), they can trace that truth back to creation when God created man and woman in His image. They can let go of negativity and culture’s skewed ideals as they embrace their identity as a child beloved by the Creator of the cosmos.

Don’t forget I’m your Creator

You are Mine and I adore you

Nothing else moves My heart like you

You’re not here by chance, you are My design

I did well to give you life

You are fearfully and wonderfully made

Long before you drew your first breath

I knew your name

Surely goodness and mercy

Will follow you forever

For you are fearfully and wonderfully made

Join God’s Mission

As our children embrace their identity as beloved and rescued children of God, their eyes are opened to an incredibly exciting and purposeful way of life. Being “fearfully and wonderfully made” means God created them with unique skills and gifts, and He has written incredible plans into the stories of their lives. Their life is intricately woven into God’s overarching narrative. Discouragement and dismay fade into the brilliant light of His plans as they gain godly confidence to live for His kingdom.

For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord

I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord

They are plans for good and not for harm

Plans to give you hope and a future

I will light your way and see you through

I have great plans for you

So be confident in the work I’ve started in you

You can put your trust in the author of your story

Know that I have great things for you

We can use the power of music to hide God’s Word in our children’s hearts as we raise a generation delighting in and devoted to truth. May the soundtracks of their childhoods carry the crescendo of the gospel message and communicate the depth of God’s love and breadth of His peace.

The Word of God is alive and powerful. Scripture Lullabies exists to bring His Word to listeners of all ages through beautiful, encouraging, peaceful music. Listen wherever you stream music. Encounter God’s Word in a uniquely new way through our “Hidden In My Heart” Scripture music collection, peaceful piano albums, musical Teddy Bear, and devotional products at


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