By Rick Magee
Have you seen the decline in biblical masculinity in society today? Have you wondered what you could possibly do about it? We believe that Jesus Christ and the men of the church are the answer to this incredible opportunity in our country today.
KOZ IS AN OUTDOOR MINISTRY FOR BOYS in your church and community. KOZ provides men of your church with training, curriculum, and other resources to begin an outdoor adventure ministry for boys. Once you and your men complete the training, you begin taking boys on outdoor adventures one Saturday morning each month. The training is done by streaming video from the web page. It is available once a church is registered. The training includes one and half hour section with the leaders and their wives on a Friday night. The men then come back on Saturday morning to complete the remaining five hours of training. The curriculum is also provided through the website in pdf format to print off.
THE PROBLEM IS REAL! Today, over 40% of the boys in our nation do not have a dad living at home. Every spiritual, physical, and mental health stat deteriorates when a kid doesn’t have a dad in the home. Examples are substance abuse, school dropout, teenage pregnancy, and incarceration. Today the average kid spends 70 hours per week in front of a digital screen. This compares to 40 minutes per week in the outdoors. The effects of digital addictions are decreased attention span, increased obesity, increase cases of mental health issues, depression, etc. These wounded and distracted boys are becoming wounded and distracted men.
MENTORING MATTERS! Every socio-economic and health statistic improves when a boy gets a mentor. Substance abuse, school drop-out, and teenage pregnancy. Big Brothers/Big Sisters study found that four hours per month improves a child’s decision making. The boys are drawn in by the outdoor adventure which provides the men with the opportunity to train, mentor, and disciple them. Boys are confused as their God-given role is under assault with terms like “toxic masculinity” and “gender fluidity.” With over 40% of boys fatherless and 80% of school teachers female, one-third of the boys today have almost no masculine influence. Boys need men to show them biblical masculinity. This is a spiritual battle that requires God’s men to step in.
WE CAN HELP YOU! Your love, knowledge, and skills of the outdoors and your Christian faith are a perfect combination to mentor this generation of boys. We can help you turn your burden for the boys that you see struggling into a life-changing reach into their lives. We provide you with training by video with a simple-to-follow manual. We provide you with an easy-to-use organized curriculum for every month’s adventure, including a short bible lesson, a monthly theme for the adventure. The adventures include hunting, fishing, hiking, archery, survival, camping, shooting, boating, etc.
SCRIPTURAL MANDATE: Proverbs 22:6, Psalms 68:5, Psalms 82:3, Deut. 27:19, Psalms 146:9, James 1:27, James 2:14-17, 2 Tim 2:2, Matt. 28:19-20, Psalms 145:4
For more information, contact:
Rick Magee
Chief of Operations