Thank you for your interest in equipping the next generation with a biblical worldview.
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We appreciate your partnership as we work to see culture transformed by giving millions of children a biblical worldview. Every gift matters!
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Your support through Charitable Gift and Estate Planning provides resources and programs that will lay the foundation for future exponential impact.
PO Box 12366
Roanoke, VA 24025
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Last Will and Testament
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Stories from Students
“I grew up in a Christian home with godly parents, attended growing churches, and attended a Christian school. I got saved in middle school and knew that I wanted to use my life for whatever God had planned. But now I was graduating high school and trying to decide if college was God’s plan, and if so, where was He leading me? We began praying about it, and I turned in an application for a Renewanation scholarship. Around this time, I was given the opportunity to attend a leadership school during the summer at Ohio Christian University. The same time I got accepted into the leadership school, I also received a scholarship by Renewanation for OCU. It seemed as if God was arranging things for me to attend OCU. So in the fall of 2012, I began my freshman year at Ohio Christian. I cannot count the times God has so clearly reinforced to me that this is where I am to be. God has given me a great church family that I can be a part of and that I have made lasting relationships with. I have no doubt that Ohio Christian University is where God wants me to be, and I thank Renewanation for letting God use them.”
Allyson Keaton
College Scholarship Recipient
“The main way I would say this scholarship has impacted my life is that it has allowed me to go to a great school that otherwise would have been tough to pay for. I’ve met so many great people, and I am learning a lot. I thank Renewanation for giving me to chance to go there.”
Daniel Wilmoth
College Scholarship Recipient
Stories from Schools & Educators
“From the very founding of Twelve Stones Christian Academy, Renewanation has been instrumental in the school’s birth and growth. It has greatly helped TSCA develop into a truly biblical worldview institution. In just two years, TSCA has become an established school with a rapidly growing enrollment. Frankly, we couldn’t have done it without the guidance and expertise from Renewanation.
Whether starting or revitalizing a Christian school, Renewanation helps ensure that students receive a biblical worldview education. Renewanation seeks to raise generations of students to courageously defend the Christian faith and impact the culture for the Lord Jesus Christ.
We appreciate Renewanation’s ongoing vital support of TSCA and Answers in Genesis as well, as together we stand on the authority of Scripture and the gospel to teach generations how to build a Christian worldview.”
Ken Ham
CEO, Answers in Genesis
“Working with Renewanation has given our school the opportunity to become the school of choice in our area for Christian education. They openly share options, resources, and guidance to all stakeholders to strengthen both policies and practices.”
Rebecca Ellison
Assistant Administrator, Peniel Baptist Academy
“Thank you. The time with Glen was a tremendous blessing, and it was a great way for our staff to start a new school year with the proper focus. I look forward to possibilities for future professional and spiritual growth.”
Dr. Rick Brown
School Administrator, Associate Pastor for School Ministries, Lower School Principal, Grades K3-6, RVCS
“I wanted to thank you again for a wonderful event last night. I have heard nothing but great reports. You truly inspired the crowd last night. There is a new energy present today. Thanks for a great evening, and we look forward to working with you and Renewanation in the future.”
Allan Edgar
former Head of School, Emmanuel Christian School
“Inspiring. Passionate. Visionary. God-ordained. These are just a few words that I use to describe Jeff Keaton, who spoke at our first-ever benefit banquet promoting Christian education in the Kansas City area. With parents, alumni, supporters, and fellow Christian school administrators in attendance that evening, it is doubtful that anyone left without being moved by his message. I’m looking forward to hearing him again!”
Chad Pollard
Administrator, Overland Christian Schools
“Thanks again for coming to speak at Portland Christian! Your messages were so inspirational! The feedback from grandparents was so positive, and many have come asking for a video to share with their church and friends. Praying for you and all that you are doing to grow God’s kingdom!”
Rhonda Rogers
Principal, The Elementary at Portland Christian Schools
“Please convey to your coworkers how much we enjoyed the banquet last night. It was encouraging and enlightening. We appreciate all you do to foster Christian education. Renewanation always exhibits a culture of excellence in their events.”
Ann Haymes
Heritage Academy
“Your message was so relevant and very encouraging to us. I have already had parents tell me they wish their spouse could have heard what you had to say. Your passion is contagious. Thanks for the magazines; we will get those out to our parents.”
Toni Kanzler
Director of Admissions, Traders Point Christian Schools
“Huge thank you to Renewanation for the donation! We put it to good use. Here are our thirteen upper school students and teacher with their brand new Chromebooks! This was a necessity for their BJU Christian Classroom Online coursework. Thank you so very much!”
Lakeside Christian Academy
“Since enrolling our kids in Wilson Christian Academy, we have seen a remarkable difference in their grades and actual learning. It is so refreshing to see the things they learn about God in their Bible class. My dad remarked the other day about how they told him the story of Esther and Job and how they knew the details. It’s not cheap sending them to a private Christian school on our salaries. In fact, it’s quite taxing, and serious sacrifices have been made. But it is money well spent, and the reward will far outweigh the cost in the future, as it already has. I strongly recommend a Christian worldview education for your child if you are considering making the jump. It will reap eternal rewards and prepare your children to face the challenges that life will throw at them. Most importantly, it will anchor your child in the ways of the Lord.”
Steve & Misty Webb
Wilson, NC
“Thank you so much for the scholarship you gave Jaden Farris who attends Heritage Academy in Chatham, VA. We have used wood heat for years but had to switch to gas heat this past year. I was able to pay the gas bill only because of your financial aid. Thank you, thank you, thank you for enabling Jaden to continue with her education from the Christian worldview.”
Phyllis Farris and Jaden Farris
Stories from Parents & Families
Stories from Donors
“I am a retired widow who is blessed to be a blessing. I cannot give to every cause, but I would like to invest in the future of someone… My donation is not sizeable, but I hope that it helps. I am encouraged by the goals of Renewanation. May our God multiply this seed, in Jesus name.”
Retired Widow
“Thank you for sharing a beautiful event with us. I wanted my dear husband to hear what you are doing in our world today, and he just loved it, so we want to support you with our funds. Now, we are asking God just how much and how we are to pay it over our lifetime. We also have some other ideas in mind on how we can support you. God bless you and everyone who is working to save our dear children with the truth of God.”
Our founder, Jeff Keaton, received a note from a retired pastor who has been a consistent supporter of Renewanation. The note simply said, “Due to the fact that my wife and I had to move into an assisted living facility, I will now only be able to send $5 each month.” Jeff knew a little bit about this pastor’s situation, so he knew that $5 is a great sacrifice. Jeff’s heart was so touched that he pulled our office staff together and shared this pastor’s story. His gift was of great significance to God and our work because it was given out of a heart of tremendous love and sacrifice.
Retired Pastor
Stories from Supporters
“I am a retired widow who is blessed to be a blessing. I cannot give to every cause, but I would like to invest in the future of someone… My donation is not sizeable, but I hope that it helps. I am encouraged by the goals of Renewanation. May our God multiply this seed, in Jesus name.”
“I thank God for you and what you are doing in and through Renewanation. I cannot think of what could be more important and strategic in these United States right now than offering a Christian worldview to every child.”
Luis Bush
4/14 Window Global Initiative
“I’m thinking about Renewanation this morning because of the prayer focus today on our World Shapers Club Monthly Prayer Calendar. Today’s focus is: Pray that all children will be given a good education and learn God’s Word. That goes right along with your mission, one so pivotal and necessary, for a Christ-centered education for every child. Be encouraged that our World Shapers are agreeing with you and petitioning God for movements like yours around the world!”
Mary Tome
Advisory V.P./Administration, ENI
“Renewanation is the antidote for what I deal with on a daily basis.”
Randy Krantz
“Thank you for sharing a beautiful event with us. I wanted my dear husband to hear what you are doing in our world today, and he just loved it, so we want to support you with our funds. Now, we are asking God just how much and how we are to pay it over our lifetime. We also have some other ideas in mind on how we can support you. God bless you and everyone who is working to save our dear children with the truth of God.”
“Great website! Lots of great material. Good to see such a vibrant ministry. I will certainly keep you on my radar if there is a way to partner or help you in some way.”
Richard Blackaby
Stories from Churches
“You were a huge blessing to our families. One couple told me afterward they have been a house divided over this issue. She wants to homeschool. He says public school is fine because “he survived it.” After your messages, he is in full support of his wife.”
John Bartz
Pastor, New Beginnings Community Church
“EastLake Community Church has been blessed by Pastor Jeff’s ministry. In services for Renewanation and in general preaching, he is always anointed and has a fresh and powerful word from God.”
Pastor Troy Keaton
EastLake Community Church
“EVERY MESSAGE WAS RELEVANT! Jeff connected with people of all ages and backgrounds and had a major impact on our church!”
Pastor Tim Linick
Wesleyan Bible Church
“OUR REVIVAL WAS PHENOMENAL! God moved mightily throughout our congregation. People not only dedicated their lives to Christ, but were re-committed, re-established, re-kindled and re-ignited! The weeks that followed were filled with conversations and personal convictions pertaining to the contents of the revival messages. God has placed His hand upon Pastor Jeff and his ministry, and we are very grateful for both his willingness and obedience to speak God’s truth to our congregation.
Pastor Jeff also spoke at our function to raise awareness of Christian education. Since then we have experienced the largest number of students ever pre-registered to our school. There has been excitement, drive and renewed passion within our staff and an outpouring of parental involvement and backing. I wholeheartedly suggest you get in touch with RENEWANATION and see what blessings God has in store for you.”
Pastor Jason Diaz
Coshocton Christian Tabernacle & Coshocton Christian School